The Rule of Mafia Cartel
Roles and teams
The Red Team: (The Sheriff, The Citizen, Doctor, The Mistress)
The Black Team (The Boss of Mafia,The Mafia)
Crazy Team (The Maniac)
Conditions of winning
Citizens Victory: Citizens' Victory: The game ends when all members of the Mafia (Black Team) leave the game.
Mafia's Victory: The game ends when the number of Mafia members is equal to the number of Citizens and the Maniac.
The Maniac's Victory: When He/She stays one by one with any roles.
Referee should not describe rules during the game if the referee thinks that it can reveal the role of the player. Referees should help beginners to put on the list a player but only for beginners! Referee can give a penalty for requesting it to him/her, it is up to the referee.
Giving a role
The referee declares night in the town and everyone wears a mask.
The referee switches on the music and gives everyone a role. He/She will come to you and give you a chance to choose a role.
You choose a card and look at your role. When the player knows the role, the player falls asleep.
When all roles have been given. The referee asks the mafia to wake up. The black team takes off masks and gets to know each other. When The Black Team gets to know each other, the referee says: “fall asleep” and the Black team wears masks.
The sheriff, The mistress and the maniac will wake up separately.
Conversation between players
When the referee switches off the music and says: “Day in the Town”, the town can start the discussion. Every player has 1 minute to say something. Nobody can distract him. During the speech a player can put another player up for vote. Every player must vote for somebody.
Players which have the equal numbers of votes go to the next round of elimination. In the next round players will have 30 seconds for justification and when all candidates for elimination say their speech, the referee asks who wants that current player to leave the game? Everyone must vote for somebody including a candidate for the elimination. The player who has the most votes leaves the game without revealing his/her role.
Maniac wakes up separately and shows a number whom he wants to kill. In the morning the referee says the name of a player who was murdered by Maniac. The player who was murdered leaves the game.
If The Sheriff will check The Maniac during the night, he will get information that it is a citizen.
The Maniak wins when he stays one to one with someplayer. If all the members of the Black Team leave the game, the game continues until the maniac kills all the citizens or until the citizens get rid of the maniac. The mistress can neutralize the maniac. The doctor can save the maniac if he/she was killed by Black Team.
Doctor plays for the Red Team. His mission is saving people from the black team and the Maniac. The Doctor wakes up separately and shows a player who he wants to rescue. The Doctor can rescue himself only once per game. The Doctor can treat himself/herself only once per game. A doctor cannot treat the same player consecutively.
If the mistress chose a player and the mistress was killed and the doctor heals the player who was chosen this night by the Mistress, the player is not saved.
Doctor lose saving.If the Doctor choose the mistress and Mistress was killed by mafia or maniac, the mistress and his/her choosing is saved.
The Boss of the Mafia wakes up separately. The Boss of the Mafia tries to find the Sheriff and kill him the next night. She/He shows the number by fingers and gets information from the referee by sighs yes or not.
The Main goal of the Black Team is to kill as many citizens as possible. The Mafia should pretend Citizens and reveal their role. Every night the Mafia wakes up separately and shows the number of a player they want to kill. The referee accepts only a candidate from the Boss of Mafia. Of Course the Mafia should kill the Sheriff because the Sheriff can give information about who the Mafia is or a Mafia or Boss can pretend to be the Sheriff.
The Sheriff is the head of the Town. Every night the Sheriff asks the referee what the role of a player is. The Sheriff collects as much as possible information from the referee about the roles of players and passes on the information to people who he trusts.If Sheriff checks the Maniac, he/she gets information that it is a civilian.
The Citizen is the most important role in the Town. He always sleeps in the night and eliminates players by voting. The Citizen must be careful, The Mafia wants to trick him and gain his trust.
The mistress plays for the Red Team. If the mistress plays for the Red Team, The Mistress can neutralize The Black Team or The Maniac; they are not able to do killing during the night. If the Mistress comes to the Sheriff or Doctor, they are not able to do anything during the night. If Mistress was killed by the Mafia, the player with whom The Mistress was in the night leaves the game. The Mistress can’t protect the same player consecutively.
If Maniac kills the Mistress, the player who was saved by the Mistress is also killed.
The Mistress can’t protect the same player consecutively.
If Maniac kills the Mistress, the player who was saved by the Mistress is also killed.
If The Mistress is killed and the doctor saves the mistress , The player who was with The Mistress this night is also saved.
If the Mistress chose the Maniac in the night, the maniac is neutralized.
Each player on the table can put another player on the list. You must put you first on the table and say: “I put on the list player number…” and say "a number of a player”. When the referee accepts your nomination that means that the player was added to the list and at the end of the day players can vote against them.
Refeere can help beginers to put on the list a player but only for beginers.
In the End of the Day when the last player says his speech The Moderator declares the eliminating process. The Moderator has the list of the players who were put on the vote. The Moderator says the number of the player one by one. If the member of the Town wants to vote against the number which The Moderator says, The Member must put his fist on the desk and the player mustn’t put they hand up before the Moderator says “Stop”.
If the player doesn't want to vote, his vote counts for the last player who was selected for elimination during the Day.
The Moderator counts all votes and declares the number of the player who has the most votes. This player was eliminated by Town and can say his last speech.
When the player says the last speech he leaves the game and waits silently until the end of the game.
When you are out you can't talk or give tips for players. If the Moderator notices that a player who is out of the game gives tips for players who are playing, The Moderator must stop the game and give the winning points to the opposite team.
When the player leaves the game by voting and says his final speech the Moderator declares Night in the Town. All players must wear masks.
(5 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 1 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac)
(5 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 2 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac)
(6 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 2 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac)
(5 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 3 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac, Doctor)
(6 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 3 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac, Doctor)
(7 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 3 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac, Doctor)
(7 Citizens, The Mistress, The Sheriff, 3 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac-2, Doctor)
(8 Citizens, The Mistress-1, The Sheriff-1, 3 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac-2, Doctor)
(8 Citizens, The Mistress-1, The Sheriff-1, 4 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac-2, Doctor)
(9 Citizens, The Mistress-1, The Sheriff-1, 4 - Mafia, Boss of Mafia, Maniac-2, Doctor)